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Featured project: Quina

Quina is a strategic, logical word game, built from scratch with Nuxt. The gameplay is based on classic pen-and-paper word games (think: Mastermind, but with words), but the app and design are 100% original.

Quina was released December 2020 as a progressive web app and on the Google Play store. Version 2.0 was released in spring 2022 (with an overhauled game board, a daily puzzle mode, and new achievements). Version 2.0 was also released on the iOS App Store.


Another word game, this one built with SvelteKit, and a bit more akin to Wordle (but with some twists and more complex mechanics).

The goal is to guess as many words as possible in a row, earning bonus points for streaks, to get to 100 points as quickly as possible.

SvelteKit static blog starter

A fully open-source, pre-configured starter for a SvelteKit blog. Includes Markdown and Sass preprocessing; has mdsvex with rehype plugins pre-installed; and includes automatic prefetching of top-level routes, an RSS feed, and a JSON API.

CSS Easing playground

Created for this blog post, this interactive playground lets you examine how a variety of easing curves look and feel, and allows you to draw up your own and copy the CSS.

Every curve on the page is an SVG, including the interactive demo, which is accessible across device types. The curve redraws in real time as the handles are moved, and an animated node follows the curve to demonstrate the movement.

Other stuff I made (that may or may not be worthy of inclusion here)

You can also find my work on GitHub (although truth be told I don't really bother curating it there at all.)

CodePen collections

  • Showcase (my best pens and experiments)
  • Humor (pens more about a laugh than the code)


  • I mean...this one.
  • I've been the main developer on and a handful of related properties since 2023.
  • Some work I did is probably still floating around on Shopify POS and its sub-pages.
  • Rise, Flywheel/WP Engine's BIPOC employee resource group
  •, a sort of avant-garde personal website
  • Flywheel retreat websites for 2019 and 2020.


Other things

  • I made the new Deno logo, and the JSR logo. So…guess I've got that going for me.
  • A WordPress plugin to help make various other plugins and theme compatible with Flywheel's cloud platform
  • A Chrome extension, an internal knowledge base, various WordPress themes, a couple of Node CLI tools, and a handful of trainings and presentations (none of which I can show here because employer privacy and such)