Featured project: Quina
Quina is a strategic, logical word game, built from scratch with Nuxt. The gameplay is based on classic pen-and-paper word games (think: Mastermind, but with words), but the app and design are 100% original.
Quina was released December 2020 as a progressive web app and on the Google Play store. Version 2.0 was released in spring 2022 (with an overhauled game board, a daily puzzle mode, and new achievements). Version 2.0 was also released on the iOS App Store.
- Quina on iOS
Quina on Android(Note: because of privacy policies hostile to small developers, I've removed all apps from the Google Play store indefinitely, in order to protect my personal data.)- Quina on the web
- GitHub repo
- Read about the making of Quina on this blog and on CSS Tricks