Goodbye, Griff. You were a good boy.
January 27, 2025
A tribute to the member of our family we lost this weekend. Read more…
January 27, 2025
A tribute to the member of our family we lost this weekend. Read more…
December 24, 2024
Things I watched, read, played, got into, enjoyed, or did and would do again, in 2024. Read more…
November 6, 2024
Life in America has long felt like a game played between adults and children; a game where one side knows the rules and is dedicated to keeping them, and the other is merely making up ad-hoc rules from moment to moment, for no reason but to help them win. Read more…
June 7, 2024
A collection of things I've learned over my decade in the industry, on how and where to look for jobs, applying, interviewing, talking about yourself and your work, and all those other fun things. For whatever it's worth. Read more…
May 10, 2024
A personal (read: meandering) post inspired by the realization that I first began to learn HTML and CSS exactly ten years ago, reflecting on the lucky turning points that brought me to where I am today. Read more…
March 7, 2024
I keep noticing those of us in the frontend field being treated much the same as nurses, paralegals, and executive assistants. Our work is seen as important, certainly, but just not the same as, or as important as, the “real” work. Read more…
December 30, 2023
Things I watched, read, played, got into, enjoyed, or did and would do again, in 2023. Read more…
September 26, 2023
It's popular to say we can’t agree on Tailwind, but I posit we actually already do. I think what we actually disagree on isn’t the details of this (or any) specific software; it's in what we value, and how we each define assets and liabilities. Read more…
July 24, 2023
After a year or so of using Raycast, I'm switching back to Alfred. This is what prompted me to make that decision, and why I may or may not stick with it. Read more…
January 24, 2023
My thoughts, experience, and advice after using the Moonlander as my main keyboard for both personal and work projects for a full month Read more…
October 26, 2022
I'm 42 years old today. This is a personal post about where I am now, what's going on in my head, and 42 things I've learned (or at least, think I've learned). Read more…
June 3, 2020
…Lately, I’ve been wondering whether I can actually continue supporting Instagram and the company behind it, however passively or at whatever seemingly insignificant scale. And while I was zeroing in on this answer anyway, the events of the last couple of weeks have clearly cemented in my mind that the answer—for me, at least—is an unequivocal “no.” Read more…
February 21, 2016
Your worst instructor as a design student will lay out clear goals and expectations which will not change; this is not a given with clients. Read more…
September 4, 2015
No matter how simple the end product, design is hard work. To come up with something that looks good, something people like, is at best tangential to the main point. The question is: does it succeed at meeting the project goals? And you don’t know how to answer that question. Read more…
August 5, 2015
Any executive or business owner will say their company values integrity, and virtually every company claims that they reward and value their employees exhibiting their brand values. But is that really accurate? Read more…
March 27, 2015
I’m beginning to believe that becoming more connected with everyone is making me less connected with anyone. Read more…